Three Newspaper Accounts of Worth Tucker's Death
After I received a copy of Worth Tucker's death certificate, I started wondering if there were any newspaper articles that talked about the accident. I found on the internet a volunteer that lived in Montana and was willing to check the newspaper archives at the library. He found 3 newspaper articles that discussed Worth's death.
Worthy Tucker Called BeyondWorthy Tucker, aged 60 years, died yesterday in Gardiner and his body was brought to Livingston last night. The body has been taken in charge by the Selby funeral home.
Details of the Gardiner man's death were lacking, it was stated last night, but efforts are being made to locate his relatives. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Source Citation
The Livingston Enterprise, "Worthy Tucker Called Beyond", (Livingston, Park, Montana), November 6, 1927,Livingston Public Library, 228 West Callender, Livingston, MT 59047. Article on microfilm.
Salt Lake Man Killed as Car Throws Him OutWorth Tucker, 60, Salt Lake City resident, planned to return to his family at Salt Lake City Saturday when he entered a truck at Old Faithful expecting to go to West Yellowstone to take the train for home, but as it developed, he entered a death car and his trip was cut short with his life the forfeit.
Tucker had been employed as a laborer at Old Faithful where he had worked a goodly part of the summer. Work in his line having been completed Saturday morning he was riding in a truck with his baggage in the rear and was en route to the railroad terminal at West Yellowstone. When the bridge at Firehole river was reached, for some reason as yet unaccounted for, the 60 year-old man left the seat which he occupied next to the driver, when a sudden lurching motion of the car, it is said, unbalanced him, or caught him off guard and he fell from the machine on the roadside.
It was immediately realized that the injured man was seriously hurt and he was placed in the truck and taken to Mammoth where he was placed in another car and started for the hospital at Livingston. Death came to relieve his suffering as the ambulance car sped through Emigrant.
A post mortem examination showed the unfortunate victim to have suffered a broken back and internal injuries. A paralyzed condition resulted immediately below the injury, it is said.
The body was taken to the Selby Funeral Home and prepared for shipment to Salt Lake City where the family resides. Deceased is survived by his son, Kirtly Tucker, of Salt Lake City.
The remains were shipped to Salt Lake City for interment. Kirtley Tucker, son of the deceased, accompanied the body to Salt Lake.
Source Citation
The Livingston Enterprise, "Salt Lake Man Killed as Car Throws Him Out", (Livingston, Park, Montana), November 8, 1927, Livingston Public Library, 228 West Callender, Livingston, MT 59047. Article on microfilm.
Salt Lake Man Dies in Fall from TruckWorth Tucker, aged 55 years, a resident of Salt Lake City, died Saturday of a broken back and internal injuries while being brought to Livingston for treatment. The remains were taken Tuesday to Salt Lake City by his son, Kirtley Tucker.
Mr. Tucker had been working for several months as a laborer at Old Faithful, and was en route to West Yellowstone in a truck to return to Salt Lake City. Near the bridge on the Firehole river a sudden lurch of the truck caused him to fall from his seat beside the driver. He was placed in the truck and taken to Mammoth, from where a car started to Livingston with him. He died on the way here.
An examination revealed a broken back and internal injuries.
Source Citation
The Park County News, "Salt Lake Man Dies in Fall from Truck", (Livingston, Park, Montana), November 11, 1927,Livingston Public Library, 228 West Callender, Livingston, MT 59047. Article on microfilm.
I am very grateful for the volunteer that found these articles.
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